
Student Support Fund

Supporting the countryside professionals of tomorrow!

In August 2020, the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society, organisers of the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show, established the Student Support Fund with the aim to support students entering into Agricultural, Horticultural and Countryside courses.

The fund will encourage and support the very best talent that is training for, and entering into careers in agriculture and related land-based industries. The Society will offer help with costs towards college or university course fees, books and equipment or even to help meet the significant transport costs of accessing their place of study, we know that there is a real and pressing need to help our students, apprentices and trainees at this time. 

Do you require financial support for the educational year of 2025-6? Applications will open in the Spring.

Please complete our short application form and return to us by the 31st May. Whether you need equipment like hardcap boots or assistance in paying for the course, no matter what we are here to help you.  

Help us to truly make a difference to someone's education and future prospects

 Please help us achieve our ambition of helping the students of tomorrow across Dorset, Wiltshire & Somerset. We welcome donations of all sizes towards the Fund. £2 or £200, we would appreciate your generosity.

The Society has carried out a range of fundraising activities, the biggest being our past President cycling from Lands End to John O Groats.  To donate please contact the Show Office via office@gillinghamandshaftesburyshow.co.uk or 01747 823955.

We also offer brand awareness in return for business donations.

Thank you for your support. 

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